RI Computer Science Exploration (RI-CSE)

A CS Proficiency Curriculum for All Students

RI-CSE is a 0.5 credit course that meets all RI CS proficiency requirements in a fun, engaging way that is appropriate for all students 6-12. This course has been developed from the existing URI Intro to Computing & Data Science (ICDS) curriculum, but at a more foundational level. Teachers trained in ICDS can deliver RI-CSE with minimal preparation.

RI Computer Science Exploration (RI-CSE) Curriculum

Weekly lessons assume two class meetings of 45 - 60 minutes. Optional extra materials are provided to extend the lessons for classes meeting more than twice per week and/or classes exceeding 60 minutes.

Computer Science Practices

RI-CSE incorporates Computer Science Practices that prepare students for their future, which will be shaped by technology, regardless of their career path.