Middle School Programs
CS4RI has established in all RI public school districts high-quality computer science education at the middle school level that follows the RI State Computer Science Education Standards by providing CS curriculum that is both a standalone CS course and also integrates into existing middle school programs.
Ozobot robots are a simple way to introduce robots and coding and incorporate the RI CS standards into your instruction. All teachers attending the PD will receive two Ozobots for their school.
Cyber ConnectED is a 6-unit CS4RI standards-aligned problem-solving-based learning experience that blends real-world problems with basic electronics and physics understanding for grades 6-12.
Students form their own questions about the world around them, analyze data, and write a research paper about their findings. The module covers functions, looping and iteration, data visualization, linear regression, and more.
Students apply mathematical concepts and rigorous programming principles to creating a simple video game. Aligned to National and State Standards for Mathematics, as well as CSTA standards and K12CS framework.
This hands-on program boosts classroom engagement and excitement, drives collaboration, and inspires “aha! moments” and deep comprehension through 10 units that empower students to lead their own discovery.
An introductory computer science course that empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun.
Students use Scratch a drag and drop programming language to code, create and share interactive stories, animations, games, art, music, and more as they learn problem solving and other fundamental CS concepts.