CS Discoveries (6-10)
Organization: URI / Code.org Regional Partner
Format: One year-long course OR six modules distributed in courses in 6-8th
Description: Computer Science Discoveries is an introductory computer science course for 6 - 10th grade students. Mapped to CTSA standards, the course takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as problem solving, programming, physical computing, user centered design, and data, while inspiring students as they build their own websites, apps, animations, games, and physical computing systems.
Teacher Profile: No prior CS experience required
PD Profile: 5-day virtual TeacherCon; four 1-day follow-up workshops during the school year; school year support
Cost to School: No cost for PD. ~$15/student for physical computing device.
Computer Access: Access for all students
Unique Benefits:
Flexibility in implementation
No installed software.
Runs on all platforms (including chromebooks)